Building Resilience, Together
The Climate Resilience Fund works with public and private partners across the United States to advance the inclusive and adaptive approaches that are needed to build climate resilience for people, the communities in which they live, and the natural systems on which we all rely.
Latest newsInitiatives

Advancing climate resilience plans and projects across the country through direct grants, practitioner training, and knowledge sharing
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Enabling collaboration among philanthropic and private investors to promote wildfire-adapted landscapes and wildfire-resilient communities
Learn MoreThe Registry of Adaptation Practitioners

The Registry of Adaptation Practitioners is an online directory that connects vetted adaptation service providers with communities in need of their expertise. The Registry is open to all organizations that provide climate adaptation and resilience services and its database is searchable by all!
Access the Registry Learn MoreThe U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit

The U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit, developed by NOAA’s Climate Program Office, offers a wealth of tools and resources to help communities build their climate resilience, including information on the Steps to Resilience framework that is foundational to the Climate Smart Communities Initiative.
Visit the U.S. Climate Resilience ToolkitLatest News
WRF Members Co-Author Article on the Wildfire Challenge
February 1, 2025
As the latest round of wildfires began to engulf Southern California, an insightful article appeared in the Stanford Social Innovation Review. The article, co-authored in the weeks prior by members…
CSCI Accepting Year Two Grant Applications!
January 10, 2025
The CSCI is accepting grant applications to help communities accelerate their climate resilience plans and projects! “The grants can help communities no matter where they are in the resilience planning…
WRF Now Welcomes Members and Affiliates
January 1, 2025
The new year brought a new structure to the Wildfire Resilience Funders, as the network now welcomes members and affiliates. “The network remains focused on helping philanthropic funders learn…